“We are called to make the mission of Jesus our own: we are to give form to this mission. It is an honour to be collaborators with God.” (Spirituality book–Experience God in everyday life)Paying heed to the mandate of the Lord “You shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth” (Lk.24:28) and in faithfulness to the vision and spirit of our Founder, the Society seeks and searches earnestly the Will of God manifested in the crying needs of the time, in places where God beckons us to implant our Society and extend our services by revealing the merciful love of God. So the first batch of 3 Sisters reached Italy on June 30, 2004.At present there are 14 Sisters working in 7 mission Centres and a mission coordinator animates the mission under the directives of the General Council, India.

Suore di S. Anna, via Francesco d ’Ovidio, Rome

Started: September 26, 2005

Ministry: Nursing care and Pastoral work

Villa Verde, Reggio Emilia

Started: April 15, 2010

Ministry: Pastoral Care & Assisting the Aged

Scuola dell’Infanzia Elena, Robiatte, (LC)

Started:  August, 2013

Ministry: Kinder Garden and Pastoral work

Campo Ligure, Genova

Started: March 02, 2014

Ministry: Pastoral Care & Assisting the Aged

Casa di Carita, Pieve Modelena, Reggio Emilia

Started: May, 2015

Ministry: Geriatric Care and Pastoral work


Villa Salus, Reggio Emilia

Started: December, 2016

Ministry: Pastoral Care


Baiso, Reggio Emilia

Started: September, 2017

Ministry: Pastoral Care, Assisting the Aged