
Follow me

Commission work topic II 




Deep within my heart I feel voices whispering to me, calling me to follow Him… leaving behind my boats on familiar shore… to follow Him again though unsure of horizons was the song that rose from the hearts of the capitulars as the day dawned.


Heeding the call of Jesus ‘Follow me’ the Chapter participants received the grace of God for a fruitful day through Morning Prayer and the Eucharist.

Commission IV, V & VI presented their first draft on topics – Community life, Initial formation and Care for creation. The assembly vibrantly participated in the general discussion.

Having completed the presentation of the first draft on all the first six topics in the general assembly, the commissions gathered in their respective groups to draft the ‘Provisional text on the same from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm.

Having completed the day’s task, the participants rested in the Eucharistic presence of Jesus in adoration glorifying God for His great works in the life of the Society.



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